The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Leadership Psychology

Change Management is neither just a buzzword nor is it all that complicated…

Change management isn’t just a business buzzword that people slide into their resumes. It’s a real thing that people really don’t value or understand. Drives me nuts how little people think about how they manages changes, whether it be in… Continue Reading →

Leadership IS a clinical discipline…

I hold the belief that leadership is as much a clinical discipline as counseling or psychology. Really, leadership takes the evidence of a given domain and then seeks to modify human behavior towards a desired outcome using the domain-specific evidence…. Continue Reading →

How do I NOT take things personally?

I can summarize the entirety of my graduate school work in three (3) words : 1) Roles; 2) Self; and, 3) Reflection. Through my work, I was able to study and develop an approach to leadership and educational psychology that… Continue Reading →

What are the tools of leadership?

I was talking with someone the other about behavioral issues in the workplace and the conversation flowed, naturally, towards leadership.  “How can someone know if they’re even a good leader?”  the person asked me and couldn’t have been happier to… Continue Reading →

Weak IT leaders will pay for my son’s graduate degree

I have so many professional pet-peeves that I don’t even remember them half the time.  However, one big pet-peeve of mine is when Information Technology “leaders” simply accept the limits of their full-time employees (FTEs).  These leaders may not overtly… Continue Reading →

Managing IT is about people, not technology!

Today, someone sent me an email saying that he was leaving his present gig because he was tired of waiting for “sane IT management.” He’s very technically qualified and knows his way around technology. His current employer will be hard… Continue Reading →

Read this to recognize leadership…

What is leadership? Most people can’t describe it, but do know what it is when they see it. I, however, believe in it, almost as fervently as if were a religion. I’ve offered this definition of leadership to whomever asks… Continue Reading →

Want to be a better leader? here’s how…

In my professional travels, I have probably failed a lot more than I have succeeded.  I’ve led projects and teams that have won awards, but more often than not, I have been a part of projects that simply do not… Continue Reading →

Ethics Workshop to show how Leadership can eradicate Substance Abuse

I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I do consider myself a good writer and even better teacher (plus I have really strong evaluations to support my consideration).  Among the great joys of my life is presenting information… Continue Reading →

The leadership model upon which I've built a successful career

I wanted to share the model for leadership that use in every context that I lead. This model requires two (2) things: 1) that a person becomes “situated” within his or her role; and, 2) Roles within any context know… Continue Reading →

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