The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Psychological Empowerment

The leadership model upon which I've built a successful career

I wanted to share the model for leadership that use in every context that I lead. This model requires two (2) things: 1) that a person becomes “situated” within his or her role; and, 2) Roles within any context know… Continue Reading →

SMART Goals will help you become successful…

I wanted to provide a graphical depiction of “SMART: goals because goals, whether in subtance abuse treatment or just in life, are critical components of becoming successful at anything.  As a reminder SMART goals are: Specific Measurable: There should be… Continue Reading →

My framework for critical reflection

I value reflective writing very much.  It’s at the heart of everything I teach and learn.  To me, it’s easier to start reflecting from within a role (role-based reflection is at the heart of psychological empowerment) than it is from… Continue Reading →

My model for success in any context

The illustration above is the sum total of my entire philosophy and approach to life.  Regardless of the context in which I find myself, I apply the model that illustrated with usually successful results.  There are no guarantees in life,… Continue Reading →

I think it’s better to write ourselves to the people we want to be

I believe that people were meant to be creative, committed, and independent within their lives.  There’s no doubt in my mind that when people express themselves through some creative means or another and when they are dedicated to something positive,… Continue Reading →

I think it’s better to write ourselves to the people we want to be

I believe that people were meant to be creative, committed, and independent within their lives.  There’s no doubt in my mind that when people express themselves through some creative means or another and when they are dedicated to something positive,… Continue Reading →

How to build commitment to a substance abuse treatment program

Though various treatment programs show improvement, treatment compliance appears to be the key operating variable.  However, my life’s mission is to teach everyone that we all have the source of all that’s good, strong, and beautiful within us.  In learning… Continue Reading →

More lessons from my writing life

Last night, I gave a talk at Bookworks in Albuquerque, NM.  I learned three (3) things: 1) That it’s exciting to see my name on a marquis; 2) That there’s at least one other person who understands the clinical importance… Continue Reading →

Critical Reflection isn't Mental Masturbation

I’m always advocating that people critically reflect about roles in their lives as a first step towards defining and creating healthier realities.  I don’t think, in any way, that it’s mental masturbation to do this exercise.  To me, understanding the… Continue Reading →

Critical reflection of our roles increases confidence

I truly believe that strong leadership can make or break any situation.  I developed a leadership model, after studying many different approaches to leadership, that I have since used in many different domains.  I call this approach, Contextual Leadership. To… Continue Reading →

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