Soon, I will begin my annual pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo. It’s an approximately 22 mile walk from Santa Fe and I’ve done it for several years, along with many people in Northern New Mexico. It’s an act of… Continue Reading →
Treating adolescent substance use disorders (SUDs) can be challenging because of its multi-faceted nature. In an effort to address the complexity of adolescent SUDs treatment, Colistra, Campbell, and Brickner (2014) established seven (7) best practices: 1) Involve the adolescent’s family… Continue Reading →
I was in the middle of a somewhat heated conversation with someone about her addiction last night. At one point in the conversation, I informed her that I was extremely concerned because she is at the same point in her… Continue Reading →
It was a typically cold late-December afternoon, which meant the heaters inside the facility were on full blast. So much so that I shed my top layer and walked into the session wearing a simple T-shirt. I didn’t know the… Continue Reading →
I remember walking into a 12-step treatment facility for the first time, as an intern, and being asked by one of the patients, “Are you in recovery?” The question was invasive, to me, as I wasn’t there for treatment, but… Continue Reading →
“I don’t see a difference, do you?” He looked at me with an expression that was blanker than a brand new etch-a-sketch. The simple fact was that he could not make sense of my question. People passed by our table… Continue Reading →
At the NM State Capitol today, representatives from Equality New Mexico, the ACLU, various religious leaders, small business owners, and lawmakers spoke about House Bill 55 and how it would allow business owners to legally discriminate against customers, based upon… Continue Reading →
Whether you’re a treatment provider or someone seeking recovery from Addiction, the way to begin each day is with renewed hope that the fight can be won. Addiction is all-consuming and mostly leads to darkness. It progresses from mild to… Continue Reading →
Life presents so many opportunities to commune with God’s creation that there’s not enough time in the day to experience it all. On my way home to grab a bite, I saw this hawk on a light pole and I… Continue Reading →
At first, the roadrunner with a busted foot scampered away from me. But as it got used to me, it stopped and seemed to pose. I saw it and thought it strange that a roadrunner would be hanging around in… Continue Reading →
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