Talking with someone struggling with an addiction can be frustrating. Not for the reasons that you might think, but because they’re so mired in self-hate that almost every thought he or she utters is a projection of that self-hate. So,… Continue Reading →
There is an Aesop’s fable that is so resonant and relevant to recovery that I am compelled to share it and describe its significance. Now, people are always wondering how they know their loved one is ready change. I’ve said… Continue Reading →
I challenge everyone: The next time you hear about someone suffering (or dying) due to Addiction or to Depression, try to see them as someone stricken with a terminal illness, not as someone who is weak or a failure, or… Continue Reading →
There wasn’t a lot left – a couple of drops, really. But it called to me and awakened something inside of me. Not really lust, not really gluttony, but more of a memory than anything else. It was a drop… Continue Reading →
Sometimes, I’m accused of being “abstract.” That is, people think that when I say things like, “You have the answers you need inside of you,” I’m being all new-age and non-specific. But I’m not. The simple fact is that we… Continue Reading →
So — after 3 years, I’ve finally jumped out of the dark ages and gotten myself “connected!” It would appear that someone who’s spent his life building software would have been the first to grab a smart device and blog… Continue Reading →
It’s not like I thought I’d sell a million copies of my first book….well, actually, it’s exactly like that. I thought Butterfly Warrior (my first novel) would sell and sell and that I’d be able to write from my… Continue Reading →
As a writer, it’s always scary for me to put my work out into the world. If there’s negative feedback, or worse, NO feedback, it’s as if the word “irrelevant” is stamped onto my forehead. However, when a great review… Continue Reading →
I believe in the idea that reflective journaling can literally heal a person. Especially when it comes to building leaders: Reflective writing is a powerful tool that allows a person to best learn how to lead his or her life…. Continue Reading →
It was a typically cold late-December afternoon, which meant the heaters inside the facility were on full blast. So much so that I shed my top layer and walked into the session wearing a simple T-shirt. I didn’t know the… Continue Reading →
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