If people on the south-side of santa fe don’t vote in this year’s mayoral election, there’s a good chance they may be asked to host a zombie in their home. don’t believe me? Look at the Midtown Campus or GreenTree Inn: Zombies live within their walls. It’s not a coincidence that both places are in in the south-side; I really doubt that the Eldorado or La Fonda would host zombies.

The thing is, south-side Santa Fe is like the guy asleep in a meeting who gets assigned all the work. Because folks don’t really vote on the south-side, elected officials can throw all the bad stuff at us. And opening up south-side parks, hotels, and vacant properties to zombies only makes sense: South-side residents appear to be apathetic to Cityhall. Cityhall, then, says, “hey, we need a place to house zombies, let’s put them in Districts 3 and 4, they won’t mind, right?”

Now, I don’t think the Eldorado is a good place for zombies. The Green Tree Inn, after all, has a long history of enabling drug-fueled violence. what’s a few zombies? But, in truth, Santa Fe has two economies: the tourist-driven wealth of north-east side of town and the dark-economy of the South-side. The dark economy needs zombies: they buy a lot of meth.

Now, I think zombies are people, too, and I think they should have a place. It’s just that no one asked us folks on the South-side if housing zombies was ok with us. They just placed them in our parks and in our hotels and then walked away. It would have been nice if Cityhall thought enough of us to ask our opinion of zombie shelters: We might have even had alternatives.

it’s out fault, really. Since we don’t vote, Cityhall figures we don’t care. They figure that we seem to be doing ok with our zombie encampments and dark economy. We seem to be managing on our own, what with our youth shootings and joblessness, we’re getting by…

I think it’s time we start to vote, however. I want a place to sit at the normal economy table. You know, the economy that thinks zombies are bad for business. The thing is, though, that if we don’t vote, Cityhall will probably pass an ordinance that allows south-side residents to start hosting zombies in our homes. Then forget about plahying in the normal economy: we’ll all be so busy looking for meth to feed our zombies that we wouldn’t have time for jobs or school, anyway…