The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag addiction treatment

Can Psychological Empowerment improve Substance Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes?

In my clinical experience, people afflicted with substance use disorders enter treatment with rather low expectations for their treatment. It almost appears that the prevailing theme for many people entering recovery is that they are certain to relapse, thereby assuring… Continue Reading →

Set and Setting are crucial in using substances

In order to better understand substance use/abuse, there are two (2) concepts that are far too under-discussed: 1) set; and, 2) setting. Set is the user’s state of mind while using.  For example, if a person has just learned that… Continue Reading →

Recovery from Addiction requires forward motion

When I photograph something, it’s usually because of the movement I’m trying to capture. There’s always movement in life, whether or not we can see it. For example, in the pictures I’ve included, there is obviously the snow falling and… Continue Reading →

Tomorrow is the sum result of today's choices

In life, we have two (2) options; either we fight the past, or we make friends with each and every upcoming moment we’re given.  I can’t see any other choices.  If we choose to fight our past and berate ourselves… Continue Reading →

When it comes to Addiction, doing nothing can kill

Doing nothing is, not only the enemy of healthy change, but it can also kill. We don’t live in a world of neutrality. Nope. Ours is a world of constant evolution and activity. If a rock is well entrenched in… Continue Reading →

Stop wasting time on legislating morality

Once again, the myth that substance abuse is a conscious choice rears its ignorant head. And once again, uninformed people offer “supply-side” solutions to a “demand-side” problem. It can become frustrating to hear, time and again, how people who struggle… Continue Reading →

Playing the guitar opens doors

I started blogging about a little over a year ago with the intention of providing free continuing education (CE) to therapists, counselors, and social workers. And, while very few have actually taken up my offer of free CE, my blog… Continue Reading →

Maybe there isn't anything real under the sun

Maybe there are no new frontiers. Man can fly over every inch of land and he can build machines to scan every inch of the oceans. Telescopes can probe into the farthest reaches of space and nearly everything on earth… Continue Reading →

A brief intervention

If someone were shooting a video of his feet while he walked, the video would have captured his stride and cadence and pace and any viewer would have recognized the steps of an elderly man. The viewer would notice the… Continue Reading →

Structure and process are the keys to success

I seem to run into the same wall over and over again: If people (and/or organizations) could just do two (2) things: 1) Structure their activities towards a positive goal; and, 2) Define and follow a process of conducting those… Continue Reading →

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