The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag addiction treatment

Our negative thoughts are our own worst enemy

Life reminds me how we all can feed negative thoughts so much that they fill our souls and then spill out into our words and actions.  We remain fixed in our negative beliefs and continue to defeat our best intentions… Continue Reading →

There's no such thing as wasted time

A few days ago, someone said to me in reference to her soon-to-be ex-husband, “I can’t believe I wasted the last four years of my life on him.” Her statement interested me because I’m not now, nor have I ever… Continue Reading →

Can a substance abuser be the scapegoat for a family's dysfunction?

One of the frustrating things about working with substance abuse is a scenario that appears to repeat itself.  There might be different people filling the necessary roles, but certain themes present themselves over and over again. For example, there’s usually… Continue Reading →

Six (6) Free Continuing Education credits: The Metaphor Approach Workbook

Metaphors demonstrate people’s respective and individual frames of reference because only we ourselves know the symbols in our world and what they mean. I’ve taught this material for six (6) continuing education credits (CEC) and have received strong reviews about… Continue Reading →

The dangers and risks of alcohol withdrawal

I attended a clinic about alchohl withdrawal and had my eyes opened to the complexities involved.  From personal experience, I knew that alcohol withdrawal was dangerous, but there’s a lot more to it than I realized. The slides are here:Alcohol… Continue Reading →

I will wake people from their ignorance

I realize that most people revel in their ignorance. I’ve heard that it is bliss, after all. I also get that people would prefer to sleepwalk through their lives, unaware of even the demons haunting their own souls. But, I… Continue Reading →

A model of the Addiction Process

I’ve taught the diagram above in several different contexts. It illustrates the process of either developing or full-blown Addiction. The six steps are consistent with what I consider as the foundational “Three C’s of Addiction”: Control, Consequence, and Compulsion. The… Continue Reading →

Any ideas for treating crystal meth addiction?

I don’t carry around too much fear, but crystal meth does in fact scare me.  The main reason why it gets to me so badly is that I neither understand it, nor do I tend to see it too much…. Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to a Substance Abuser

Hello. I am a treatment provider.  I’ve seen way too much suffering that resulted from substance abuse and I have no doubt that recovery is valuable and that a life lived through sobriety provides benefits that far outweigh the cloud… Continue Reading →

Sometimes even the best of us need a break

Sometimes life can be a lot like pushing a giant rock up a steep and slick mountain.  It can appear that we stand face-to-face with the daunting rock in front of our faces and wonder, “Why the hell should I… Continue Reading →

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