Metaphors demonstrate people’s respective and individual frames of reference because only we ourselves know the symbols in our world and what they mean. I’ve taught this material for six (6) continuing education credits (CEC) and have received strong reviews about the workshop’s contents.

Through the material presented within the Metaphor Approach workbook, a person can become familiar with what he or she knows. The constructed metaphors will provide a way to understand the constructed knowledge such that the knowledge can provide insights that can redirect unhealthy behaviors.

The workbook included here Metaphor Approach Workbook: provides a good source of information about how metaphors work with case structure grammar to gain meaning.  It teaches metaphor construction from a substance abuse/addiction treatment perspective, but can be used as a standalone course in metaphor, as well.

Through educative and reflective environment exercises, The Metaphor Approach Workbook allows those who complete it to:

  1. Gain a detailed understanding of Critical Pedagogy and why it fits within a treatment framework
  2. Understand ways and means of using metaphors to derive meaning from symptoms (theirs or others’)
  3. Learn a method for constructing metaphors
  4. Understand how metaphors can increase the power within the written word
  5. Earn six(6) CECs

I’ll honor the CEC issuance for anyone who demonstrates completion of the workbook. It’s a lot of work, but the knowledge gained is well worth the effort! Just a note:The workbook is copyrighted and I’ve released it for free….if you do choose to use it teach others, just provide the necessary citation and give me heads-up about how it worked.