The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag continuing education

Leadership IS a clinical discipline…

I hold the belief that leadership is as much a clinical discipline as counseling or psychology. Really, leadership takes the evidence of a given domain and then seeks to modify human behavior towards a desired outcome using the domain-specific evidence…. Continue Reading →

Read this to recognize leadership…

What is leadership? Most people can’t describe it, but do know what it is when they see it. I, however, believe in it, almost as fervently as if were a religion. I’ve offered this definition of leadership to whomever asks… Continue Reading →

My addiction treatment book can save lives

As an author, it’s not enough for me to write books and hope they find their readers.  I have to push them.  No publisher, agent, or publicist will ever love my work more than me and none of them can… Continue Reading →

No one can say that Juan Blea didn't try

No one can ever say I didn’t attempt to become the educator I sought to be.  As a matter of fact, my epitaph will read: “At least he tried.” Just the other day, I was stalking about a new online… Continue Reading →

Introduction to Addiction and Recovery

Introduction to Addiction and Recovery (Based on 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction)  Course Description Both Addiction AND Recovery follow a predictable path that can be measured.  However, without a fundamental understanding of the progression of an addiction, that… Continue Reading →

Addiction can be symptomatic of a deeper issue

We’ve all seen interventions depicted in movies: Family and friends gather around someone, usually with the guidance of a counselor, and provide evidence about how and why that person should stop using a particular substance.  The goal of this intervention… Continue Reading →

I believe we can overcome the f**ked-up-ness of this world

I’m often criticized for being too idealistic in my approach to my work and my life. It’s getting harder and harder to sit in meetings where people are saying things like, “Sure, in a perfect world, we could do things… Continue Reading →

Six (6) Free Continuing Education credits: The Metaphor Approach Workbook

Metaphors demonstrate people’s respective and individual frames of reference because only we ourselves know the symbols in our world and what they mean. I’ve taught this material for six (6) continuing education credits (CEC) and have received strong reviews about… Continue Reading →

Sometimes even the best of us need a break

Sometimes life can be a lot like pushing a giant rock up a steep and slick mountain.  It can appear that we stand face-to-face with the daunting rock in front of our faces and wonder, “Why the hell should I… Continue Reading →

Reminder: Free Continuing Education offered through

I wanted to remind everyone that there are three (3) ways to earn free continuing education credits (CECs) through this 1.  Read any article posted to and answer the following questions (worth 2 CECs per article): About what article or articles… Continue Reading →

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