The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag creativity

Green really is gold — my afternoon reflection

Green is gold, right?  At least, that’s what Robert Frost claims.  After my afternoon “decompress,” I think agree with him.  It’s been a busy day with more than the typical demands upon my time and headspace.  I was feeling a… Continue Reading →

The lessons of a spider…

A few nights ago, I saw this spider between my fence and my trash can.  It was about 9 PM when I first saw it; when I got home it was about 4 PM.  The web hadn’t been there when… Continue Reading →

I am whole [poem]

i walk while detritus at my feet frames shards of broken lives that reflect a cubist distortion of what I could be bottle twists and pipe puffs could’ve scattered me among dead sagebrush and forgotten dreams but i ignored the… Continue Reading →

Tomorrow is the sum result of today's choices

In life, we have two (2) options; either we fight the past, or we make friends with each and every upcoming moment we’re given.  I can’t see any other choices.  If we choose to fight our past and berate ourselves… Continue Reading →

Playing the guitar opens doors

I started blogging about a little over a year ago with the intention of providing free continuing education (CE) to therapists, counselors, and social workers. And, while very few have actually taken up my offer of free CE, my blog… Continue Reading →

Structure and process are the keys to success

I seem to run into the same wall over and over again: If people (and/or organizations) could just do two (2) things: 1) Structure their activities towards a positive goal; and, 2) Define and follow a process of conducting those… Continue Reading →

Does failure have value?

I study ways of becoming successful. Whether it’s for success within a treatment program or success on a large project, there are literally hundreds of programs that provide different tools and techniques for becoming successful. However, even though all of… Continue Reading →

I write; therefore, I am

If Descartes was because he thought, then he was language because language and thought cannot be separated. Without any doubt, the way we use language defines us, just as Descartes was aware of his consciousness, my use of language defines… Continue Reading →

How a computer saved my life

It was late on a Saturday night; maybe two or three in the morning when I awoke to the sound of toes tipping across my carpet. I was twelve and scared to death. Still, I listened to the shuffling going… Continue Reading →

I am resisting mediocrity

I wanted to be sure about my stance on mediocrity because some public and private comments I received about life’s constant pull towards mediocrity made me quesiton what I was saying. So, I looked up “mediocre” in Webster’s. I learned… Continue Reading →

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