The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Writing

I’ve resigned my position, now what?!

I’ve resigned my position as Chief Information Officer for the NM Regulation and Licensing Department. I have no idea what’s coming next. It’s like I jumped off of the high dive board and am hoping and praying that the pool… Continue Reading →

Hello New Year, goodbye internalized oppressor!

’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but my goal for this year is to eliminate my own internalized oppressor. We all have an oppressor inside of us. It’s as much a part of our makeup as our hair and… Continue Reading →

The “why” is always the thing….

When I start something, I simply can’t accept “just because” as a reason for starting it. Always, I need to understand the “why” of an effort. Otherwise, I can’t act in accordance with the core reason for doing anything. For… Continue Reading →

I wanna be Taco Bell’s Bean Dude!

In my next life, I will be the bean dude at taco bell. That is, I will be the person who takes bean powder, adds just the right amount of water, and mixes until the beans are the perfect consistency…. Continue Reading →

Managing IT is NOT a one-sided coin

Over the years, I’ve made several wishes. Things like a gazillion dollars, magic carpets, and even a talking monkey that I could have as a best friend have all made the wish list. But one thing I do wish for… Continue Reading →

We can all be mentally unhealthy sometimes and that’s ok

I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. That is, someone isn’t either mentally healthy or not. I also don’t think that it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so… Continue Reading →

in politics, friends are all that matter

I’ve been around a lot of political environments and one thing I can say for sure: if karate were like politics, anyone could become a black belt simply by being buddies with the sansei. I don’t even think anyone would… Continue Reading →

At least computers can’t lie

I spend a lot of time dealing with technology related issues. I also spend a lot of time dealing with human related issues. With all the time I spend with both sets of issues, I can say that computer issues… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe’s Evil Presence is growing

I hate to say it, but evil in Santa Fe has gained a foothold. At the risk of sounding like a weirdo, I believe that evil expresses itself through various real ways. I didn’t always think in this cosmic way;… Continue Reading →

I try to fight the good fight

Lately, I’ve been having to remind myself that life, in general, isn’t about outcome. Really, it’s about “fighting the good fight” regardless of how that fight makes a person feel. For me, talking with people about Addiction and substance abuse… Continue Reading →

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