What is the Imago Dei?
Literally translated, the Imago Dei is the “Image of God.” This image is not Jesus’ face that miraculously appears on tortillas, it is, to me, the source of all that’s good and strong and beautiful that lives in every single person. There is no one who can’t experience and revel in the Imago Dei; however, many people choose to ignore it or look at it through the religious lens.

I, however, do not experience God’s Image through religion. Rather, I see it manifested in all of life. I can walk through a field of Chamisa and daisies and see it. It is with me when I gaze at the stars or when I wade through a stream. But when I write is when feel the Imago Dei the most. It’s as if I “plug in” to the most powerful energy that’s ever existed. Really, though, the Imago Dei is not a physical expression of God; it is the sacred spiritual energy that invigorates everything.

By what authority do I write about the Image of God?
The reality is that I, like everyone else, am a divine entity who is worthy of giving and receiving love. That alone qualifies me to discuss the power I experience through the Imago Dei. But what really provides the fuel to carry this concept into the world is that I learned, long ago, that if I return to Imago Dei, even during the darkest nights of my soul, I find my way back to the light, every time. And now that I approaching peace in my life, I can safely say that living my life pursuing all that’s good and strong and beautiful has released me from the chaos that confusion creates.

Over the years, I’ve spent time with people who can’t (or won’t) see the Imago Dei. They tether themselves to darkness and its abyss. Most of the time, the abyss is a prison of our own making. No one has to tell us that have weaknesses and limitations, we tend to do a great job of keep ourselves down, all on our own.

In order to recognize the Imago Dei that exists everywhere, people have to see it within themselves. Then, we have to see it in others. Once someone can see it in himself and in others, then and only then can he sense it everywhere. With time and practice, I believe everyone can not only recognize the it, but use it.

To summarize, the Imago Dei is the Image of God that flows throughout the living experience. It is the source of all that’s good and strong and beautiful and is accessible to all of humanity. To me, we can all learn its aspects. It’s as real as the sun rising, but is not a religious concept. Itis what drives my actions and thoughts and I hope everyone finds it in themselves.