When people ask me questions about the addict in their life, the only thing I hear is, “How can I make my Addict behave in ways I can understand?” And the response to that question is: Seek to understand your… Continue Reading →
I’ve given the first of two (2) presentations in support of the Santa Fe Community College’s Center for Diversity’s “Don’t Call me Crazy or Lazy” and i have to say, it went quite well. Tonight at 6PM, at the Higher… Continue Reading →
There was a fire along the shoulder on I-25 Northbound yesterday. I was traveling southbound down La Bajada when I first saw the smoke. Once I reached the flames, I was compelled to pull over and snap some pics, as… Continue Reading →
Hello — this morning, Emily Stern,the Director of Santa Fe Community College’s Diversity and Integrative Center, and I were on the Richard Eeds show which is broadcast out of Santa Fe, NM. We discussed the symposium we are having at the Santa Fe… Continue Reading →
Here’s my pitch: If you buy 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction, read it, and do as many of the exercises as you can, you will be both prepared to handle Addiction and be much more inoculated from Addiction’s… Continue Reading →
It’s hard for me to argue with data and evidence. If I think something, but can’t support it, then I don’t discuss it much. At least I try not to; I admit that my unfounded opinions can make their escape… Continue Reading →
My heavenly Father, As you enter your passion, please allow me to share your walk, as I try to share the suffering of those who struggle with Addiction. I don’t have the answers, but I am certain that with your… Continue Reading →
Here’s the thing: There’s a mythology being propagated that suggests there’s a natural progression from pharmaceutical opioid addiction to heroin addiction. This mythology suggests that it’s Big Pharma’s fault that heroin addiction is “an epidemic.” But, and I say this… Continue Reading →
The other night, during my version of an intervention, a young wife said to me, “I can’t leave him. I want him to stop using, but i can’t just leave him.” I didn’t give her words much thought before I… Continue Reading →
There is a simple truth when dealing with Addiction: As long as the payoff for using is of high value AND as long as the negative outcomes are either insignificant or meaningless, there is absolutely no reason for an addict… Continue Reading →
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